I'm a communications major but I don't know what got me into this. =/
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The early bird catches the Hello Kitty.
One man's urine is another man's drinking water.
You can lead a citizen to Newater, and you can force him to drink.
i think ptc stands for public transport costs? not sure..
What goes up can never come down: Law of GST and PTC.
some we see in the news:
We pay monkeys to get peanuts.
Where there's a will, there's a potential lawsuit.
some political stuff.
Citizens should be seen and not heard.
Lightning can strike twice if you suay-suay defame the wrong person.
some things that you may hear from those uncles, complaining about life, at coffeeshops:
After the government takes enough to balance the budget, the taxpayer has the
Cleanliness is next to a Corrective Work Order.
job of budgeting the balance.
Familiarity breeds people who might borrow money from you.
A land that rewards foreign talents over locals, will soon be foreign of
talents locally, and eventually be foreign of talents totally.
No news is SPH news.
A bird in the hand is cheaper than going Geylang.